Military Draft Registration – Eligibility Criteria and How to register for it?

Military Draft Registration process by the US government who collect the men’s age of 18 through 25 to use in case of an expansion of the Armed Forces. Residents should need to register between their 18th and 25th birthday

Military Draft Registration

It is an independent federal agency in the United States that administers the military draft nationwide to conscript in the event of War.  It’s mandatory for all the citizens to register for the military draft when they turn 18 years. 

The selective drafts and registration requirement for men provide our Nation with a structure and a system of their guidelines and they will provide the prompt, efficient and equitable draft possible if the country needs it. 

If you fail to register carries several penalties like not being eligible for certain educational and other programs, such as government jobs, job training and student loans. You may be able to register for the military draft online at the official website provided. 

Who is eligible for Military Draft Registration?

There are eligibility criteria for the military draft registration:

  • All men who are 18 to 25 years old are eligible for the registration.
  • You must have citizenship.
  • If you are a citizen but live outside the country then you may be eligible for the registration. 
  • You must have legal permanent residents and undocumented immigrants. 
  • You should be a military veteran or a military reservist. 
  • Disabled men are also eligible for the registration. 
  • Those men who are in the Armed Forces.
  • Those refugees and asylum seekers.  
  • If a man joins the military after the age of 18 or leaves the military before 25 then he must register. 
  • If you are 26 or older then it’s too late to register and you are not eligible for that. 
  • Those members of the Reserve and National Guard and not on full time active duty must register. 
  • You declare yourself to be a conscientious objector. 
  • Those citizens who are assigned male at birth and changed their gender to female are still able to register. 

Military Draft Registration

How to apply for Military Draft Registration?

There are steps to register online by the official website for the military draft:

  • Visit the official website of
  • After visiting you can see the homepage of the website.
  • Before you register for the draft make sure you meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Then click on the register now button. 
  • Then you have to enter your personal information including your gender,  full name, date of birth, email address, phone number, home address and your social security number.
  • Then enter your street or PO Box or RFD.  
  • Then enter your city or state and your Zip code. 
  • Then hit the Submit Registration button. 
  • You can verify your registration with your last name, social security number and your date of birth. 

What Happens Next in the Military Draft?

If the registration is implemented then they have similarities to the Vietnam War. It means they hold the lottery based on the dates of your birth. Including the number 1 would correspond to 1 to 15 January etc. 

If your birth date is the first one drawn then you are the first drafted. Those who are 20 years old or turning 20 during this year of number are drawn then you would be the first to go. The official draw numbers are similar to the drawing number for a lottery. 

In the beginning of January, an eligible male turns 21 then he would drop into the second priority category and the man born in the following year they would move to the priority group one. They must be eligible for deferment categories including married persons or college students. 

Each year a draft eligible man drops in the next lower priority group until that he is 26th at which time he is over the age of the liability for the military draft. If you are drafted and their number is called they may not be automatically inducted in the military. 

When the president and congress would need to authorise the draft then the military draft activates and orders all the personnel to report for duty.  Military drafts must deliver the first inductees within 193 days from the crisis and the being updated to authorise a draft. 

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