Poppi Soda Lawsuit – Settlement Demand and All you to know about it!

A lawsuit filed against the wildly popular Shark Tank Poppi Soda alleges that the drink was not as Gut Healthy as it’s advertised to be. The lawsuit claims that poppi’s low prebiotic content and high sugar levels negate its healthy claim, leading to potential health risk. 

Poppi Soda Lawsuit

Poppi is a prebiotic soda alternative that once took the market by storm. However the company has now been hit with a class action consumer fraud lawsuit. The lawsuit claims that Poppi has been deceiving customers about the gut health benefits of its Poppi Soda.

Plaintiff Kristin cobbs brought forth the lawsuit, she represents herself and other Poppi consumers. They allege that the company has lied about the true nature of its products, they apparently offer gut health benefits. According to the lawsuit they do not. However such a quantity has been insufficient to offer any real benefits to gut health.

Cobb stated that she did not reap any gut health benefits from drinking Poppi, she also disclosed that she was unaware of how adverse the effect of consuming multiple cans could be. She claims that should she have known she wouldn’t have purchased the beverages or would have paid significantly less for them.   

The lawsuit pointed out that in order to reap any positive effect on the gut, one would need to consume four cans of Poppi, so would result in a high sugar intake. The lawsuit alleges that high sugar intake would then negate the benefits of the prebiotics. It would turn the beverage into basically sugared water, a nutritionist quoted in the suit. 

Poppi Soda isn’t as healthy as it claims in the lawsuit?

The lawsuit claims Poppi only contains two grams of prebiotics per can, which is too small of an amount to cause meaningful health benefits for the consumer from just one can. A lawsuit was filed this week against the company that makes Poppi prebiotics Soda claiming the beverage is not as ‘gut healthy’ as it’s advertised to be. 

According to the Poppi the soda is made with fruit juice, apple cider vinegar and inulin prebiotics which can help with bowel movements to stabilise your blood sugar and maintain the good bacteria in your gut.  

Poppi hit the mark in 2020, it rapidly grew to become one of the best selling brands on the Amazon platform. Poppi is also one of the fastest growing brands in the $110 billion soft drink market. The brand claims its sodas promote gut health. 

Poppi Soda Lawsuit

The lawsuit against Poppi alleges that the company health claim are misleading, the suit claim that:

  • The Poppi soda is marked as a gut healthy but contains only 2 grams of prebiotic fibre as per can. 
  • The amount of prebiotic fibre is too low to provide the advertised gut health benefits. 
  • A consumer needs to drink more than four cans of the Poppi soda daily to potentially experience health benefits. 
  • The high sugar content in Poppi soda could negate any potential gut health benefits.  
  • False Advertising of health benefits. 

Cobbs said that she purchased the sodas because they were labelled and marketed as a prebiotic soda made for a healthy gut, along with the slogan Be gut happy, be gut healthy. But according to the lawsuit the sodas did not improve her hut and excessive consumption could have negatively impacted her health. 

Poppi Soda Lawsuit Demands

The lawsuit demands a trial by jury, claiming that Poppi falsely advertised the healthy benefits of their products. The lawsuit demanding $5,000,000 in damages, states A consumer would need to drink more than four Poppi sodas in a day to realise any potential health benefits from its prebiotic fibre. 

If a consumer were to do this Poppi’s high sugar content would offset most if not all of these purported health benefits. The complaint further alleges that a diet based on inulin could lead to inflation and even liver damage at daily intake as low as 10 grams, it calls for a jury trial to assess whether Poppi’s advertising practices have violated the law. 

The lawsuit also pointed out the misleading nature of the Poppi marketing and their branding. It claimed substantial health benefits which the company supposedly does not deliver on. So the lawsuit demands an injunction to stop the allegedly false marketing claims. 

Who filed the Poppi Soda Lawsuit?

Kristin Cobbs of San Francisco filed the lawsuit on the behalf of herself and similarly situated the consumers. Poppi’s rise to fame saw the company accumulating a triple digit revenue growth in recent years. However it remains to be seen what outcome of the case could do to its reputation and to consumer trust. There are reason cited for the lawsuit:

  • Misleading advertising about the healthy benefits of Poppi sodas.
  • The belief that the product does not contain enough prebiotics to achieve any meaningful gut health according to their advertised. 
  • Concerns that the excessive consumption of the product could negatively impact on health. 

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