Android 15 Release Date – Specifications, Features, How to download?

Google has announced and shown off the Android 15, which is the next major version of its mobile operating system, it is likely to be released in Q3 of 2024. The development and the release cycle of the Android typically has a three phase strategy and that applies to Android 15 as well. 

Android 15 Release Date

Google expects to reach platform stability in June 2024 with a final release expected in July to August 2024. As we know, the Android release cycle has three phases: developer preview, public beta testing and the final release:

  • The developer preview began on 16 February 2024, with the developer preview app developer getting a look at the upcoming changes so that they can familiarise themselves with the new software. 
  • The first public beta began on 11 April, 2024, this allows anyone who wants to try out the software ahead of release to test the new features. Beta tester is for reporting issues and bugs to Google, which help to shape the final release of the software. 
  • The fourth beta should be near to final in terms of being ready for the general public and Google has said that this should be ready sometime between July and August. 

Android 15 Specifications

Android 15 will be compatible with a wide range of smartphones and tablets from various manufacturers, ensuring that the user can enjoy the latest enhancement regardless of their device choice. For the budget friendly options, Android 15 aims to provide a consistent and optimised experience across the board. 

To run the Android 15 smoothly, the device must meet the certain minimum system requirements including sufficient RAM, storage space and processing power. While it depends on the manufacturer, Google recommends a minimum of 4GB of RAM and the 64GB storage for the optimal performance. 

One of the key strengths of Android 15 is its backward compatibility with older device models, whether you are using a flagship device from the past few years or a budget friendly smartphone from several generations ago the Android 15 aims to provide a seamless and optimised experience for all users, ending that no one is left behind. 

Android 15 Features

Android 15 includes a new private space where you can keep the sensitive apps separate from the rest of your phone, whether you want to safeguard health data or your banking related apps and private space keeps them safe behind a second layer of authentication, protected with the same password that you use to unlock your device.

The satellite connectivity in Android 15, in some RCS and SMS apps should now be able to send the text messages by the satellite. Google has also standardised the pop up and other user interface elements to make it clear when you are connected by the satellite. 

There is an improvement for the camera app in Android 15, firstly low light boost makes for better previews in low light conditions so you can frame your nighttime shots better and can scan QR codes when the light is limited. 

Android 15, Google is placing more cheeks on foreground service and clamping down on apps that keep running in an active state. That device with a lot of RAM should also see faster app and camera launch times with lower power draw thanks to support for large page sizes. 

Google is now integrating that choice into Android 15, if you prefer the cover screen to lock up when you fold that will be an option too. There is also more support for apps displaying on smaller cover screens with the more compact flip phones category. 

Android 15 enables you to turn keyboard vibrations on or off system wide, instead of having to dig into the keyboard settings. There are new toggles in setting, sound and vibration, vibration and haptics, where you can use sliders to adjust haptic intensity. 

How to download Android 15?

There are some types to get the Android 15:

  • The easiest way to get the Android 15 on a supported Google Pixel device is to en-roll your device in Android Beta for Pixel program, you don’t need to do a full reset of your data to move to the Android 15 beta. 
  • You can install Android 15 beta by visiting each partner’s site like Honor, Lenovo, OnePlus, OPPO, realme, vivo and Xiaomi etc. Each partner provides a system image that you can download and flash and all the partner’s provide support resources to guide you through the installation process.
  • Configuring the Android 15 emulator to run Android 15 is a great solution for exploring new features and APIs and testing the Android 15 behaviour changes. Depending on the type of testing you need to do, consider setting up a variety of the virtual devices from device categories like Phone and tablet or screen device.  
  • Android Generic System Image binaries are available to the developers for app testing and validation purposes on supported treble compliant devices. After flashing the information on choosing the right image type for your device, you are ready to download a GSI binary, see the downloads section on the GIS binary page. 

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