BGMI 3.2 Update Release Date, New Features, How to download?

The Krafton is known for adding engaging content in Battleground Mobile India (BGMI) every two months. With 3.1 reaching the two month mark, players and fans of the game are curious to know when update 3.2 will come to BGMI with new updates. 

BGMI 3.2 Update Release Date

According to the timeline forth by the developer, the new 3.2 update will be available for download on 25 May 2024, and the update starts rolling out at 5:30 a.m. Players have to wait for the update available on App Store or Google Play Store, it has to be kept that the update takes a little time to get rolled out for everyone. 

The first beta for the BGMI 3.2 update has been released, the new update will be based on a Transformers like theme and is expected to be named Mecha Fusion. The new update will feature several Transformers themed vehicles and weapons or more.

Name Battleground Mobile India
Version 3.2 update
File Size 800 MB
Platform Google Play Store or Apple App Store
Supports Android 5.0 and Up
Release Date  25 May 2024
Download Website

Expectations for BGMI 3.2 Update

The extra processing power required for 120 FPS support might be achievable on older or budget friendly devices. Expect unique robot abilities and the thrilling, mech themed actions. A fresh point of interest arrives on the map, promising intense firefighters and valuable loot for those who dare to explore. 

BGMI 3.2 Update with 120 FPS in-game movements and animations will appear noticeably sharper and more lifetime. Imagine the difference between watching a movie at 30 frames in just per seconds and then experiencing it at 60 FPS, that’s the kind of smoothness you can expect from that. 

Additionally, the time between your actions and what you see on the screen will be minimised leading to a more precise and respective gameplay experience. There’s a catch: to take advantage of the upgrade, you will likely need a high end smartphone with the top of the line specifications. 

  • Once the update is live, you have to go over to your BGMI settings and look for the option to enable 120 FPS, this option will be available if your device meets the hardware requirements. 
  • Even on the compatible devices, squeezing out the most of 120 FPS might require some optimization. Closing of the unnecessary background apps and adjusting brightness settings to potentially improve battery life while playing at a higher frame rate. 
  • The arrival of the 120 FPS support in BGMI is exciting news for players and anyone who wants to experience the game at its smoothest best, for 3.2 update you have to get ready to experience a whole new level of responsibility and visual fidelity in your favourite battle game. 

Features of BGMI 3.2 Update

The upcoming BGMI 3.2 update will introduce several new features, including a new Transformers theme called Mecha Fusion. These updates will bring several transformer vehicles, features and weapons players can use in classic mode. 

  • Addition to the update will be 120 FPS support for high end smartphones, BGMI supports only 90 FPS, but allowing 120 FPS could enable users to take advantage of their smartphone’s refresh rate. 
  • The BGMI 3.2 update will add jetpacks that allow players to fly quickly from one part to another part in the map. These will be complemented by the flying vehicles with transformer themes and autobots from transformers that can shoot the rocks and the bullets. 
  • A new magnet gun that pulls these transformer vehicles towards you will be added. A self rescue will also allow players to revive themselves after getting knocked down in the upcoming BGMI 3.2 update.
  • The green flare gun recalls teammates after they die during the match, you can traverse the skies in a helicopter or combine two transformer vehicles to make a giant robot similar to the power ranger SPD. 

How to download BGMI 3.2 Update

For downloading the most recent BGMI 3.2 update you have to require a smartphone with at least 4 GB of RAM and 6 GB of internal storage. You don’t have to uninstall the older version of the BGMI to install the updated version on top of the one that’s already installed. 

Without affecting your data, your BGMI game will be updated to the most updated version. To download and install the BGMI 3.2 update version on your device you have to follow these instructions. 

There are steps to download BGMI 3.2 Update:

  • Visit on the official website.
  • Click on this file and install it.
  • Open that file.
  • Now your OBB file will be downloaded.
  • Then update your file.
  • After completing the update then restart your game.
  • After restarting your game you will now be a BGMI 3.2 user. 

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