Eid al Adha 2024 Date, Prayer, Prophet’s Sunnah, How is it observed?

Eid al-Adha 2024, anticipated to be on Sunday, June 16th, commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to God. Muslims perform the Qurbani, Hajj, sacrificing animals like sheep or goats. Among friends, relatives, and the needy, the meat is shared.

Eid al Adha 2024 Date

One of the most significant Islamic festivals observed by Muslims across the world is Eid al-Adha, often referred to as the Festival of Sacrifice. In 2024, Eid al-Adha is expected to be observed on Sunday, June 16th. 

However, it’s important to note that this date is tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon of Dhul Hijjah, which is the 12th and last month of the Islamic Calendar. 

The celebration also signifies the completion of the Hajj journey to Makkah, which is one of Islam’s five pillars and which every Muslim who has the financial means to do so. 

The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, leading up to Eid al-Adha, are considered some of the most sacred days in the Islamic Calendar, with significant emphasis on performing good deeds.

Why is Eid al Adha 2024 celebrated? 

Eid al-Adha commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah before Allah intervened to provide him with a lamb to sacrifice instead. This event symbolises unwavering faith, submission, and trust in Allah’s will.

This event is honoured by the act of Qurbani, where Muslims around the world perform animal sacrifices, typically of a lamb, sheep, goat, or camel, to remember Ibrahim’s (A.S.) act of faith. It is a time for reflection, gratitude, and unity among believers.

Eid al-Adha is not only a time of celebration but also a period of reflection on virtues such as sacrifice, charity, and community spirit. It serves as a reminder of the faith’s deep humanitarian messages and the importance of sharing and caring in building a cohesive society.

How is Eid al Adha 2024 Observed? 

Eid al-Adha is observed with a series of religious and social practices that reflect the spirit of sacrifice and charity. Here’s how it is typically celebrated:

Morning Prayers:

  • The day begins with Muslims performing the Eid Salah, which is a special prayer offered in the congregation. These prayers are usually held in large open areas or mosques to accommodate the large number of worshippers.

Animal Sacrifice:

  • The central ritual of Eid al-Adha is the Qurbani, the sacrifice of an animal, which can be a sheep, goat, cow, or camel. This is done by those who can afford it, symbolising the animal that Allah provided to Prophet Ibrahim as a substitute for his son’s sacrifice.

Charity and Sharing:

  • Charity is a significant aspect of Eid al-Adha. Muslims are encouraged to give generously to the poor and share their food and resources with others, ensuring that everyone can partake in the festive meals.

Feasting and Social Gatherings:

  • After the sacrifice, families and friends gather to enjoy festive meals together. It’s a time of feasting, where special dishes are prepared and shared.

Hajj Pilgrimage:

  • For those performing the Hajj, the pilgrimage rites at Mina in Makkah conclude with Eid al-Adha. Pilgrims throw pebbles at pillars that represent the devil, a ritual known as Ramy al-Jamarat, which signifies the rejection of evil.


  • Throughout the days of Eid, Muslims recite the Takbeers, a declaration of faith, which is a reminder of the greatness of God and the philosophy of sacrifice in Islam.

Visiting Graves:

  • Some Muslims also take this time to visit the graves of loved ones, pray for their souls, and reflect on the transient nature of life.

Eid al Adha 2024 Prayer

Eid al Adha prayer is a unique opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah. Before prayer, Muslims prepare both spiritually and physically. The Eid al-Adha prayer, known as Eid Salah, is a special Islamic prayer that consists of two units of prayer, or Rak’ahs, and includes extra Takbeers:


  • Begin by making the intention to perform the Eid prayer.
  • Start the prayer with the opening Takbeer (“Allahu Akbar”) along with the Imam.

Extra Takbeers in the First Rak’ah:

  • After the opening of Takbeers, you will say three additional Takbeers, raising your hands with each declaration.
  • After these, the Imam will recite Surah Al-Fatiha and another Surah.

Ruku and Sujud:

  • Follow the Imam into the Ruku and then into Sujud, completing the first Rak’ah as usual.

Extra Takbeers in the Second Rak’ah:

  • In the second Rak’ah, after the Imam recites Surah Al-Fatiha and another Surah, there will be three more Takbeers before going into the Ruku.
  • After this, you will let your hands drop to your sides, and then go into Ruku with the fourth Takbeer.


  • Complete the prayer as normal after the second Rak’ah with the Tashahhud and Salam.

Eid Khutbah (Sermon):

  • After the completion of the Eid Salah, the Imam will deliver a sermon, known as the Khutbah.

Please note that there may be slight variations in the number of Takbeers according to different Islamic schools of thought. It’s always best to follow the practice of your local mosque or community.

Eid Al Adha 2024 Sunnah’s

Eid al-Adha is a time of reverence and remembrance of the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) and his son Ismail (A.S.). The celebration is marked by several Sunnahs (practices of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH):

  • It is Sunnah to take a bath before the Eid prayer.
  • Dressing in the best clothes available, which is a sign of respect and celebration.
  • Men are encouraged to apply perfume before going out.
  • Reciting the Takbeer (saying “Allahu Akbar”) on the way to the prayer and until the beginning of the Eid prayer.
  • If possible, it is Sunnah to walk to the prayer ground.
  • It is Sunnah to take one route to the prayer ground and return by another route.
  • The Qurbani should be performed after the Eid prayer and can be done until the sunset of the last day of Tashreeq (the 13th of Dhul Hijjah). Qurbani is mandatory for every Muslim who is of sound mind, mature, and possesses the Nisab amount.
  • The meat from the Qurbani should be divided into three equal parts: one for the family, one for relatives and friends, and one for the poor and needy.

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